That I got from a local news programme. More like tabloid, really.

A few hours ago, I was literally hearing nails on a chalkboard over 24 Oras' GHASTLY presentation of the irrelevant and unsurprising "news" of Adam Lambert's "outing". He's not "bading", you oafs. He clearly said "gay". Colloquially, "gay" denotes homosexual attraction or behaviour (though I prefer the original meaning, thank you very much). "Bading" means something else; the equivalent of "faggot" in American English.
Think about it. A newscaster could be roasted alive for saying that on air! Would it kill to have these media-men learn some civilisation; some responsible journalism? They're on air. They represent "facts". Facts should not be tainted with subjective language, much more offensive ones. Just report, Gods damn it.
Magandang Gabi Bayan. :)
I agree, "Bading" sounds so... corrupting. Lol. Stop this faggotry! Lol. For what it's worth, I think Adam Lambert is still hot. :D
ReplyDeleteAnd oh, Imma kill him for sharing the room with Kris Allen. Wahahaha! :D
Welcome, Ken! Yay!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that "bading" sounds milder than "bakla". There's something about that sound "kla". Hehehe!
Nonetheless, I think both are inappropriate for Adam - unless Adam likes to be called a "flaming faggot" - in the American sense - which is what both words mean, etymologically speaking.
PS: I honestly think Kris is "hotter", hehehe! I heard they got really "close" rooming with each other. Like Adam better?
"Bading" and "Bakla", to begin with, should never be used because I think these are politically inappropriate. For that matter, I would like to be called as queer. Wahaha. Arte. :D
ReplyDeleteYeah I heard, that's why I'm seething with anger and envy. Hahaha!
Sticks and stones...
ReplyDeleteMe, I'm becoming numb with regards to the term bading or bakla. I no longer find them derogatory nor offensive. Words can be redefined and meanings can be personal. We don't have to agree. Problems arise when others are forced to accept a meaning, I think.
Ano sa Filipino ang gay?
Ken: Yes, yes, yes! (parang orgasm lang, hehehe.) I nod and agree. Politically inappropriate = unsuitable for civilised journalism.
ReplyDeleteAs you may have already read in my profile, I prefer "free" or "human" or no labels at all. "Queer" seems queer to me. LOL
Hehehe! Ako rin, pero kay Kris Allen. Nyahahaha! *toinks*
Niel: I don't think I'll ever become numb with something like that. Some African Americans may opt to jokingly call each other "niggers", but I think it will always be an ugly thing for them when used by others, joking or not.
ReplyDeleteIt's true, words change. These words haven't yet. Until they do, "bading" and "bakla" should stay out of formal contexts such as news reporting.
Besides, why let others call you something you're not? They have to know.
From what I know, the relatively recent 'bading' owes its origins to 'bakla' - a contraction of "babae ang akala" - thrown as a pejorative remark for effeminate men and cowards in the Hispanic era (and arguably, up to present). I think it's a good thing that we don't have any native words for "homosexuality" here. Just to show that our ancestors never bothered to distinguish one sexuality from another. :)
"We don't have to agree. Problems arise when others are forced to accept a meaning, I think."
ReplyDeleteExactly. That's what's happening.
In my opinion, ambiguous "subjective" words should be avoided in formal, political contexts. Thank the Gods, I haven't seen something like this happening in the broadsheets.
ReplyDeleteMag-gay linggo na lang kaya sila. :)