I joyfully consumed them all in his honour; but, of course, not without a symbolic libation (our business areas are carpeted).
As someone who depends on sales, wit, and cunning for a living -- not to mention being in a business that involves travel and hospitality -- I owe him heaps. So, be thou well, Mercator! Agoraios! Fortunus! Beloved lord and friend!
As you will recognise, this is the prayer I offer you before beginning every work day:
If you like it, please continue to bless my path, my words, and my business -- and that of my kin -- every single day.

Hear thou Mercury, full of luck,
Who guides the traffic of merchants and travellers:
Praises I pour out to thee,
O champion of commerce, silver-tongued god.
Open my day today to all things auspicious and fortunate,
To joyous business and prosperous sales,
As you have always done, faithful friend.
Be thou increased in power, o god dearest to mankind,
So that we may be increased in joy.
If you like it, please continue to bless my path, my words, and my business -- and that of my kin -- every single day.

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